A VeRy WaRm WeLcOme FoR aLl OuR rEaDeRs AnD KeEp CoMiNg BaCk FoR ReGuLaR uPdAtEs FrOm ApRiL 2008.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Amit Sadh

Amit Sadh-

One of the good looking celebrities Amit certainly did not have foes throughout his stay at the show.Many of the viewers didn’t recognize him as he was spotted in a couple of shows,the most notable of them being the life of a college student where cupid struck and his femme fatale being dragged on to the show.

he started out smartly but he lost his way towards the end of the show as many a stream ran through his cheeks much to the pleasure of the audience.He struck useful tie ups with the inmates as he dictated terms when nominations had to be given on the persons who should face elimination.

Emotional drama was at its highest when his girlfriend Neetu supposedly didn’t give him a gift when the other celebrities got their share from their close ones.then what followed was a great endorsement for lovers across the country which led to him reaching a new low in terms of comtional stability.He wanted to leave the show as the distance between him and his girlfriend was really depressing for him.the inmates got as opportunity and a reason to evict him without losing their credibility and the viewers hooked on to the bait bringing the end of Amit Roy in the show.

Amit video