A VeRy WaRm WeLcOme FoR aLl OuR rEaDeRs AnD KeEp CoMiNg BaCk FoR ReGuLaR uPdAtEs FrOm ApRiL 2008.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Anupama Verma

Anupama Verma-

Anupama was the best looking female celebrity although she appeared in films as a cameo artist and her performances most often lasted the batting of an eyelid.She was the love interest of the first Mr India Aryan Vaid.Their love was possibly one of the highlights of Big Boss and one of the talking points of the viewers as well as the inmates.the presence of electronic eyes and zilch privacy did play spoilsport when their love was in cloud nine.Since the couple did not land themselves in trouble as they were devoid of the time for making love.They did not figure in the inmate’s mind for a possible eviction.

Aryan who was given insinuations of tying the knot with his love interest from expereiced campaigners like Rahul Roy and Ravi Kissen,he started harbouring thoughts of his lady love cooking many a delicious dish for him.But Anupama lost Aryan as the show was nearing its culmination.Anumpama however did not break into tears at her loss but that was reason enough for other inmates to get her evicted so that Anupama could get close with Aryan and chalk out future plans if any.

Anupama video