A VeRy WaRm WeLcOme FoR aLl OuR rEaDeRs AnD KeEp CoMiNg BaCk FoR ReGuLaR uPdAtEs FrOm ApRiL 2008.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Deepak Tijori

Deepak Tijori-

Possibly the most well known and one of the Big Fish in the Big Boss of the leadingactors in the 1990s and someone who appeared in many movies alongside Shah Rukh Khan.He sort of lost his way in the mid 1990s by either not picking up meaty roles or facing a drought of filmy offers.he often appeared as the villain of many movies which also included roles of being the hero’s friend or roles grossly unfair to his talent.

Deepak Tijori on his entry to Big Boss certainly brought another flavour to the sagging show .He turned put to become one of the most respected celebrities and he obviously had the credentials to prove that.But things took a U-turn.He turned out to be a sore eye in the eyes of many.he involved himself in back – biting and quickly lost his respect.The ramifications were quite drastic as he eeked out salt streams and emotions that was not seen before in reality television.

He apologized and was forgiven but that mistake of his did not wing his sagging fortunes and this clanger resulted him getting evicted out of the show.

Deepak Video