A VeRy WaRm WeLcOme FoR aLl OuR rEaDeRs AnD KeEp CoMiNg BaCk FoR ReGuLaR uPdAtEs FrOm ApRiL 2008.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rakhi Sawant

Rakhi Sawant-

Rakhi’s claim to fame could have possibly been the kiss that Mika managed to eek out from the luscious lips of Rakhi Sawant.Rakhi ,rather her stunned look captured by the shutterbugs became the cynosure of the nation.Rakhi Sawanr then made an excellent career move by cashing on her publicity by being one of the 13 celebrities to vie for the title of Big Boss.

Rakhi Sawant because of her gregarious attitude became the talk of the nation and each of her moves drove the TRPs of the show past the roof.People could possibly miss out on a cricket match but Indian logged in several minutes before the show took off.

Rakhi Sawant did not create a favorable relationship with most of the people but still found a friend in Kahsmera who turned out to be her bitter adversary later.Rakhi Sawant was the cry baby of the show and lost her cool on unthinkable situations .This quality of hers was just one the reasons for India remaining glued to the show.Rakhi was evicted out of the show much to everyone’s surprise but came back to play second innings although was not successful either.

Rakhi Video