A VeRy WaRm WeLcOme FoR aLl OuR rEaDeRs AnD KeEp CoMiNg BaCk FoR ReGuLaR uPdAtEs FrOm ApRiL 2008.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ravi Kissen

Ravi Kissen-

Ravi Kissen has been seen in many Hindi movies but he failed to make a mark.He shifted to Bhojpuri films and is currently the superstar of Bhojpuri cinema which appeals to audience mainly in the UP and Bihar and adjoining states.Ravi Kissen and Nagma were seen making love behind the trees, alongside lakes and any place imaginable and delivered hits after hits.

Ravi Kissen was reportedly the highest paid celebrity in the Big Boss line up of celebrities.Ravi Kissed dished out interesting moments throughout his stay at the Big Boss house and created a good fan base which made him a serious contender for the ultimate prize.

Ravi was very candid in his approach and struck the right cord with the inmates as well as the viewers who were asking for more everytime Ravi was show on television.Ravi laned himself in verbal in verbal duels but with equal ease eeked out of an uneasy situation.

Ravi managed to shell out a few tears as his integrity was questioned especially by Aryan Vaid and came out of the Big Boss house a reformed person.He however could not his popularity into votes and lost out to eventual winner Rahul Roy.

Ravi Video