A VeRy WaRm WeLcOme FoR aLl OuR rEaDeRs AnD KeEp CoMiNg BaCk FoR ReGuLaR uPdAtEs FrOm ApRiL 2008.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rahul Roy

Rahul Roy-

Mukesh Bhatt transformed Rahul from a little known man to the heart- throb of the nation by pairing him opposite his daughter Pooja Bhatt in the runaway hit movie.But Rahul turned out to be another Kumar Gaurav as he could not turn on his magic from his only successful film.Rahul possibly was staring at the lowest point of his career graph.Rahul then bagged the offer from Big Boss and an unassuming and reticent Rahul went on to topple the likes of Ravi Kissen and Rakhi Sawant to win the coveted title Big Boss.

Rahul Roy who was looking to infuse a feash lease of life in his dwindling fortunes as a actor stepped into the house of Big Boss with minimal thoughts of capturinf the title.Rahul quickly created an image of a BABA which in common parlance may be interpreted as a philosopher.He went to control the proceedings with the Big Boss house and his relations with just about everyone was conducive.

He formed a troika which included Ravi Kissen,himself and Amit Roy and conversed on the inmates and the viewers got a sneek peek on the next person who is possibly goig to be eliminated .As the show was nearing the finale ,the troika had to bifurcate and Rahul Roy pipped Ravi Kissen and Carol Gracious to win a cash booty of 50 lacs and the title of Big Boss.

Rahul Video